Grammar Singular Verb Agreement

Grammar Singular Verb Agreement: The Key to Perfect Writing

Proper grammar is of utmost importance in writing, not only because it makes your writing error-free but also because it makes it easier for your readers to understand and comprehend your message. One essential aspect of grammar is singular verb agreement. This pertains to the matching of the subject and verb in a sentence, and it is critical to ensure that your writing is grammatically correct.

What is Singular Verb Agreement?

Singular verb agreement pertains to the requirement that the verb in a sentence should agree in number with the subject. This means that if your subject is in the singular form, your verb should also be in the singular form. On the other hand, if your subject is in the plural form, your verb should also be in the plural form.


– The cat chases the mouse. (Singular subject and singular verb)

– The dogs barked loudly. (Plural subject and plural verb)

Why is Singular Verb Agreement Important?

Singular verb agreement is crucial because it helps avoid confusion and ambiguity in your writing. The agreement between the subject and verb in a sentence determines whether the sentence makes sense or not. When the agreement is incorrect, the reader may struggle to understand your meaning, and your writing may end up being ineffective.


– The boy walks to the store. (Correct singular verb agreement)

– The boy walk to the store. (Incorrect singular verb agreement)

As you can see from the examples above, the wrong use of verb form can change the meaning of a sentence entirely.

Tips for Singular Verb Agreement

Here are a few helpful tips to ensure that your writing has proper singular verb agreement:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence

The first step in ensuring proper singular verb agreement is to determine the subject of a sentence. The subject is usually a noun or pronoun that the rest of the sentence is talking about.


The students (subject) are taking their final exams. (Verb agrees with the subject – students)

2. Pay attention to the number of the subject

Once you have identified the subject, pay attention to its number. If the subject is singular, make sure that the verb is also singular, and if it is plural, make sure that the verb is also plural.


– The bird (singular subject) flies high in the sky. (Singular verb)

– The birds (plural subject) fly high in the sky. (Plural verb)

3. Be careful with compound subjects

Compound subjects are subjects that have two or more nouns, pronouns, or phrases joined by “and.” In this case, the verb should also be in the plural form.


John and Mary (compound subject) are going to the concert. (Plural verb)


In conclusion, proper grammar is essential in writing, and singular verb agreement is one aspect that should not be overlooked. It ensures that your writing is clear, concise, and easy to understand. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your writing has proper singular verb agreement, and you can avoid awkward and confusing sentences. Remember, accuracy in grammar is the key to perfect writing.

By Zhang Ling
